Saturday, February 28, 2009

From the personal stationary of Rubel Hooktooth Holy Army of Onatar 5th Class

18 Zarantyr, 999 YK


How are yeh sorry excuses for dwarves?? I musht aphologize for the delay since mah last letter but I haffn't had the time. I was commishoned to bring backa fallen captain frum a wreacked areship but somehow got tangled up wif a travelin' party headin' to the north and I fought "well bloody why not?"

Such dhangers though! blhoody bugbears and gnolls and who knows what else we're likely to run into in these ruddy woods. I leave this lhetter with those pompous dwarves in Mror. I hope word reaches yeh whell brothers and I hope yeh sorry sacks are far better at the game of drink than yeh were when I left.


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